watch party info
the new hotness...
So, we've had a few folks ask to bring back the watch parties. I looked into some options out there, including ones we've tried in the past, and discovered a place called Watch2Gether that looked promising. So, on Friday January 24th, we rolled out the return and watched The Boogens - success!
As long as folks keep coming, we'll keep it up on Friday nights where we don't have a live Freakout Fridays screening at the theater.
CLOSED this Friday for Valentine's Day - we'll return on Friday 2/21
As long as folks keep coming, we'll keep it up on Friday nights where we don't have a live Freakout Fridays screening at the theater.
CLOSED this Friday for Valentine's Day - we'll return on Friday 2/21
During the early months of the pandemic, when we were shut out of the theater, we hosted over a years worth of weekly watch parties on Facebook to try and have some fun while we couldn't be together in person. During that span, we enjoyed titles such as Riki Oh: The Story of Ricky, Hard Ticket to Hawaii, Elves & Blood Diner (full list below). Once Facebook removed the "watch party" feature, we had to end the Saturday Night Features.
Once we were able to return to live showings, there was still some appetite for the watch parties. So, we discovered an app called Scener and we decided to host some more watch parties on the weeks when we don't have a live show. These went on for a few months with horror screenings on weekends and 80's sex comedies on Thursdays, but eventually viewership dwindled so we shut the doors on the watch parties for good...or did we?
Once we were able to return to live showings, there was still some appetite for the watch parties. So, we discovered an app called Scener and we decided to host some more watch parties on the weeks when we don't have a live show. These went on for a few months with horror screenings on weekends and 80's sex comedies on Thursdays, but eventually viewership dwindled so we shut the doors on the watch parties for good...or did we?
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